It's simple to find and hire professional political voice talent

Post a Job
Fill out a quick form and your political voice over job is instantly sent to our vetted, professional voice actors. Posting a job is always completely free. You can start receiving voice over auditions right away.

Listen to Auditions
Auditions are submitted to your personal dashboard. Our political voice talent are all vetted professionals - no beginners here - so you'll only get quality voice overs. You can easily mange and shortlist favorites from any device.

Hire Political Voice Actor
Choose the voice you like and send a message to connect directly with the voice talent. Get your voice over and pay direct. No hidden fees, no commissions, just a direct connection to the perfect political voice talent for your campaign.
Find a professional political voice actor for free
VOPlanet's Featured Political Voice Actors
Work direct with the industry's best professional political voice talent

Professional Political Voice Overs
Political voice overs are the voice portion of a political TV, radio, internet or other promotional campaign. Voices for political campaigns can range from hard hitting and edgy to persuasive and emotional. A professional political voice actor can add significant value to a campaign.
VOPlanet's voice talent are powerful, political voice over experts. From local campaign announcements to special interest and national election campaigns, our election-winning political voice talent have voiced it all. With extensive experience, our political voice overs will give your campaign a clear advantage.
Our vote winning voices provide compelling and persuasive voice overs to make your campaign message clear. Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Green Party or special interests, our voice over talent will help you rally your target audience and get them to the polls. We also have Spanish and bilingual political voice talent, so everyone gets your message.
Political Voice Overs On Your Terms
It's completely free to post political voice over jobs, listen to auditions and contact talent. No fees means more buying power for better quality voices and ads. At VOPlanet, you work directly with voice over talent, which means your ad hits the airwaves sooner than your opponent. Collaborate one-on-one with any of our professional political voice talent for free - anytime you like. We understand that in politics, timing is essential. With our instant voice casting system, you have access to political voice over talent anytime issues arise.