How to Optimize Your Voice Actor Profile

Monday, July 8, 2024
How to Optimize Your Voice Actor Profile

Tips to Improve Your Voice Actor Profile

Your voice actor profile is more than just a digital resume – it's your online storefront, your first impression, and your ticket to landing more voice over jobs. It's what voice buyers see when searching our Voice Actor Directory and, when thoroughly completed, can serve as a voice actor website and increase the visibility of your voice over business.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, crafting a standout voice actor profile can help you attract voice buyers and showcase your unique talents.

Let’s go over how to optimize your voice actor profile, exploring strategies to elevate your online presence, project professionalism, and maximize your visibility in a competitive voice over market. From fine-tuning your bio to leveraging SEO techniques, this guide will help you create a profile that increases the online presence for your voice over business.


1. Voice Actor Headshot


When it comes to crafting a professional image, don't underestimate the power of a great headshot. While the old adage may joke about having a "face for radio," the truth is, a polished and professional photo can make a world of difference in how you're perceived by potential clients.

Your headshot is often the first thing clients see when browsing profiles, and it can lend an air of legitimacy and credibility to your profile. Investing in a high-quality headshot is an investment in your brand and can help you make a strong impression in the competitive voice over market.


Filenames Can Affect Your Visibility

If you’re trying to expand your online visibility, you should be mindful of the metadata on the files you upload to your profile. The filename of your headshot is part of its metadata, which is essentially data about data. Search engines like Google use metadata to decide what to display in search results. When you use a descriptive filename, it can improve the chances of your profile appearing in relevant search results. If your name is John Smith, you want your profile to be displayed when someone searches for “John Smith voice actor.” Before you upload your headshot, you should optimize the file name. You should include your name or voice over business name and include the words voice actor, voice talent or voice over.


2. Voice Actor Profile Tagline


Crafting your tagline will help you optimize your voice actor profile. Located at the top of your profile page directly underneath your name, this little snippet serves as your voice’s catchphrase or slogan. Think about how you would describe your voice in a quick elevator pitch, capturing a voice buyer’s attention in just three seconds. You should highlight the qualities that make your voice unique and consider how you can effectively convey them in just a few words.

Your tagline serves as the headline for your profile. You should avoid references to being “new to voice over” or “trying something new.” This undermines your credibility and can deter potential voice buyers.

Your tagline is featured prominently on your profile next to your headshot, so this is your opportunity to make a memorable first impression on potential clients. It's important to be mindful of length - aim for between five and ten words and ensure it's not cut off midsentence.


3. Voice Over Demos


Arranging your demos on your voice actor profile is key to making a strong impression on potential clients. Start by placing your best and most recent voice demo at the very top of your profile - think of it as your calling card. This demo should showcase your voice at its finest, highlighting your unique talents and strengths.

Ensure that each demo is correctly labeled with a short, descriptive title. Avoid using random file names or numbers, as this comes across as unprofessional and may give the impression that you're not detail oriented. Remember, your voice over demos are your opportunity to shine, so make sure they're presented in the best possible light.


Voice Demo Metadata

Like your headshot, you should be mindful of the metadata on your voice demo files. Before you upload your demo to your profile, you should optimize the name of the file. You should include your full name or your voice over business name and the name of your demo. Producers often download demos to present to their client. If your name is on the file, it makes it easier for a producer to reference your name and contact you if their client chooses your voice.


Add Additional Demos

You should showcase your specific skills and expertise by including additional voice over demos that highlight your voice. Whether you excel in corporate narrations, medical narrations, character voices, or any other specialized niche, having dedicated demos for each area of expertise allows potential clients to hear your capabilities firsthand. Be sure that each demo is properly labeled, providing clarity and professionalism to your profile.


Present Your True Vocal Abilities

You should only include demos of languages or dialects in which you are fluent and confident. Showcasing a demo in a language you don't speak fluently can lead to misrepresentation and disappointment for both you and potential clients. Remember, your demos should accurately reflect your capabilities and be representative of the work you can confidently deliver in a live directed session.



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4. Voice Over Experience


Completing the experience portion of your voice actor profile is your opportunity to showcase your journey and expertise as a voice actor. Highlight any notable projects you've completed, whether it's voicing commercials for big-name brands, narrating documentaries, or winning industry awards. You can also mention the length of time you've been working in the voice over industry, emphasizing your dedication and commitment to honing your craft.


Tips for Newer Voice Talent

If you're newer to voice acting, it's important to approach this section thoughtfully. Avoid selling yourself short by explicitly stating that you're new or recently graduated from a voice over school, as this undermines your credibility. You should never list the school or program you recently graduated from or the coach you have trained with as this makes you come across as inexperienced. Instead, you should focus on the skills, talents, and experiences that make you an asset to potential voice buyers. Remember, it's your achievements and capabilities that speak volumes, not where you trained or who you studied with.


Your Studio and Directed Session Experience

Don't forget to highlight key aspects of your recording setup and experience that can set you apart. Mentioning that you have a sound-treated broadcast quality recording setup can help assure clients of professional audio quality. Detailing your experience with live directed sessions demonstrates your ability to take direction and deliver results efficiently. You can also mention different ways you can be directed, like phone sessions, Zoom or Source Connect.


Include Additional Relevant Skills

In addition to highlighting your experience, don't forget to showcase any valuable skills that may be relevant to voice buyers. For instance, if you're bilingual or proficient in multiple languages, mention this, as it can expand your range of opportunities. Similarly, if you offer additional services such as translations or have a full production studio at your disposal, be sure to mention these capabilities.


5. Voice Actor Bio


Your voice actor bio is your golden opportunity to showcase your unique talents and personality to potential voice buyers. It’s recommended that you write your bio in the third person. Writing in the third person gives your bio a professional and authoritative tone, similar to a biography.

Keep in mind that you're not just describing yourself - you're selling yourself and your voice. This is your chance to make a lasting impression and stand out from the crowd, so make sure your bio highlights your strengths and what sets you apart in the world of voice acting.


Think About SEO Keywords

When crafting your voice actor bio, it's extremely important to think in terms of SEO. Consider the keywords and phrases that voice buyers are likely to search for when looking for voice talent. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords and phrases into your content, you can increase your visibility and attract more organic traffic to your profile.

Voice buyers have the capability to perform keyword searches within VOPlanet’s voice actor directory, allowing them to find voice actor profiles that match specific criteria. Our keyword search functionality returns profiles that align with the keywords voice buyers are searching for, making it easier for them to discover voice talent that meets their needs and preferences.


Describe Your Voice

Perhaps the most important thing you should include in your bio is a description of your voice. This helps voice buyers find you when they search for specific voice characteristics. By providing a detailed description of your vocal qualities, such as tone, pitch, range, and style, you're effectively including keywords that align with what voice buyers are looking for. You should use words like deep, energetic, conversational, sassy, youthful, raspy, etc. This increases your chances of being discovered by voice buyers casting projects that best suit your voice.


Profile Length Matters

Your bio should strike a balance - it needs to be long enough to be deemed important by search engines, yet concise and focused to avoid unrelated fluff. Avoid writing multiple paragraphs about your dog (even if he’s the goodest boy ever). Keeping your voice actor bio information relevant helps search engines recognize its significance, while keeping the content streamlined ensures that it remains engaging and informative for potential voice buyers.

Search engines will not pick up a profile that only has a few sentences. One of the benefits to having a voice actor profile page is expanding the web presence for your voice over business. You should thoroughly complete your voice actor profile to the best of your ability in order to maximize your options for attracting voice buyers.


Carefully building your voice actor profile page on VOPlanet is a beneficial step towards expanding your voice over business. By optimizing your voice talent profile with a professional headshot, carefully arranged demos and a compelling bio, you enhance your visibility and appeal to potential clients. With a well-crafted profile that highlights your unique talents and experience, you'll be well-positioned to attract voice buyers, secure more voice over ­­­­jobs, and thrive in the competitive world of voice acting.


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VOPlanet is a global marketplace that connects freelance voice actors with creators, casting directors and other voice buyers. Want to join our voice over team? Learn more about how to find voice over work




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