Terri Rockwell

Cheerful, Warm Mentor Mom whose advice you trust.

Contact Terri

Terri Rockwell


Download files:
Commercial Demo produced by Such a Voice
Download files:
Narration Video produced by Such a Voice
Download files:
Cheerful Kind e-Learning Instructor
Download files:
Happy and Fun e-learning teacher with a smile
Colson Center "What Would You Say?" animated video
Recent Work




Bio and Credits

English (North American)
Accents and Dialects
Voice Age
Middle Aged
Audiobook Narrator: "Savoring the Olde Ways: Searching for Family and Traditions at the French Table- Books One and Two by Carole Bumpus

Author: Eating with the King 2009/ Also audiobook narration 2022
Author: Comedy of Blessings & Imposter My Ass by Carla Henry Lewis 2023/2024
Animated Video Narrator: "What Would You Say?" -The Colson Center
French Teacher 20+ years
Celebration Dance for Elementary Kids Teacher- 20+ years
News Anchor: Savannah, Georgia, Clarksburg, WV, Hilton Head, SC 1991-1999
Special Skills
Other (On-Camera, Informercials, Live Announcers, Spokespersons)
I am the kind, caring voice that helps you through life. I have a conversational warmth, but also a "professorial authority" to my voice. I mean what I say; and I say what I mean. A sense of trust is automatically transferred to the listener. So I don't do projects that I don't believe in. I'm not ashamed to call myself a Jesus follower. I hold myself to a high bar in terms of authenticity and integrity, and I believe it adds a warmth and depth to my love and joy that comes through the mic. I am frequently described as happy with high-energy, a voice with a smile. I like to think that people feel more hopeful after listening to me. That's always my goal.

I can also do an accurate French accent from my 20 years of teaching French and traveling there as a missionary. I used to anchor the news, so I can easily do an announcer-type if needed.

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