It's simple and free to cast a real kid voice over talent

Post Your Job
Fill out a quick form and your project is instantly sent to our professional voice over actors. It's always completely free to post a voice over job.

Listen To Voices
Voice over auditions are submitted to your personal dashboard. It's easy to manage auditions and shortlist your favorite voices from any device.

Hire Talent Direct
Choose the voice you like and send a message to connect directly with the manager of the child voice over talent. No hidden fees or commissions.
Find a professional child voice over actor for free
VOPlanet's Featured Kid Voice Over Actors
Work with the best kid voice over talent in the industry

Professional Real Kid Voice Over Talent
Looking for a child voice over? We’ve got you covered. Finding and working with a child voice talent doesn’t have to be difficult, especially when you’re working with true professional voice actors. VOPlanet can connect you with real boy and girl kid voice over talent. Authentic kid voices are available for commercials, animated characters and cartoons, audiobook characters, children’s toys and more. If you’re looking for adult voice actors voicing child voices, check out our cartoon and animation voice overs.
Please note that all child voice actors on VOPlanet are managed by parent accounts.